Cities are expected to have access to all basic infrastructure including tarmac access roads, water, electricity and sanitation among others. This catalyzes investment on land in form of commercial, industrial, institutional, recreational and residential developments. However, provision of basic infrastructure services is affected by a number of factors such as escalating cost of providing the services and rising population in the cities. As a result, the cities face the mushrooming of squatter settlements and slums with limited access to basic amenities.
Cities are expected to have access to all basic infrastructure including tarmac access roads, water, electricity and sanitation among others. This catalyzes investment on land in form of commercial, industrial, institutional, recreational and residential developments. However, provision of basic infrastructure services is affected by a number of factors such as escalating cost of providing the services and rising population in the cities. As a result, the cities face the mushrooming of squatter settlements and slums with limited access to basic amenities.
The Ministry of Lands is mandated to allocate serviced plots for various uses in the cities. As such, this project aims at making a fresh start in basic infrastructure provision and improve service delivery by focusing on backlog of work in infrastructure provision. The emphasis of the project will be to provide tarmac roads in areas which were already allocated. Infrastructure in new areas which will be allocated will follow the cost recovery principal.
The overall average progress of the project is at 38%
Namiwawa tarmac, Kanjedza gravel, area 13 tarmac, area 16 tarmac and area 19 tarmac have so far been completed;
Katoto ADMARC tarmac access road in Mzuzu is at 70%
Tarmac access roads at Area 32 in Lilongwe is at 65%.