The Ministry of Lands and Housing Service Charter is a statement of intent of the Ministry’s commitment to provide best possible service standards to its clients. It sets out the standards of services the clients can expect from Ministry of Lands and Housing. It is also the evidence of our resolve to offer the best services. The charter is the cornerstone of the Ministry of Lands and Housing initiative to improve service delivery in the Lands and Housing Sectors. It also serves as a gauge against which the performance of our service delivery can be measured.
This Charter is a framework designed to create effective conditions for the functioning of the Ministry of Lands and Housing so that its services are available, accessible and of high quality.The Ministry’s Service Charter will help to establish new relationship between the Ministry and its environment in order to meet clients’ expectations, development needs and adapt to the profound changes taking place in the country.
The charter is based on the Malawi Public Service Charter and it is consistent with the provisions of the Constitution of Malawi and key Government policies, regulations and legislations. More specifically, it is designed to respond to the situation in Malawi taking into account the following:

Principle of equality of treatment
The Ministry of Lands and Housing will recognize the equality of clients before the law and that they will not be discriminated against based on the place of origin, race, gender, religion, ethnic group, philosophical or political convictions or other personal considerations.
Principle of neutrality
The Ministry of Lands and Housing will not discriminate against its employees and clients because of their personal traits. The Ministry of Lands and Housing will remain non-partisan and support the policies and programmes of Government of the day.
Principle of legality
The Ministry’s services will be provided in strict compliance with the law. Administration decisions will be taken in conformity with existing regulations
Visionary Leadership;
Recognition of team and individual achievements;
Teamwork and Collaboration;
Professionalism and adherence to ethical standards;
Staff Motivation;
High productivity;
Transparency and Accountability;
Client Focused Services;
Equal opportunity to all;
Gender Empowerment;
Creativity and Innovativeness; and
Community Participation
Department of Surveys
- Provision of quality assurance of geospatial information
- Field work to show the position of the international boundary
- Provision of spatial information on the position of international boundaries
- Field work to show the position of the international boundary
- Demarcation and re-affirmation of internal boundaries: Regional, District, City, Town, TA, Constituency and Ward boundaries
- Surveying of land parcels
- Examination and approval of cadastral surveys
- Examination and approval of cadastral surveys
- Provision of base maps
- Provision of thematic and topographic maps
- Provision of national geodetic control network data (coordinates between two survey positions)
- Printing of maps, charts, plans, images, sailing pilots and mosaics
- Provision of hydrographic and aeronautical surveys
- Provision of hydrographic aeronautical charts
- Hiring out of hydrographic vessels
- Allocation and registration of land parcels;
- Valuation of properties;
- Resolution of land disputes;
- Facilitating of provision of basic infrastructures on public land; and
- Collection of land related revenue.
Department of Physical Planning
- Preparation of physical development, detailed layout, and land use plans
Enforcement of development planning standards and guidelines following development of land without a development permit and non-compliance with the development permit
Preparation of district Physical Development Plans
- Preparation of Local Physical Development Plans
- Preparation of Subject/special Physical Development Plans
- Valuation of offices and dwelling houses
- Maintenance of offices and dwelling houses
- Provision of office and housing accommodation to public servants
- House loans for low income households through Housing Development Groups
- Conduct awareness meeting on better and safer construction guidelines on housing